6 Foods That Help Regenerate Stem Cells - OOTHY™

6 Foods That Help Regenerate Stem Cells

You may be asking, what are stem cells and why should we be concerned about them?

Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide to produce more stem cells. They are also called replacement cells. Your body uses stem cells to replace damaged, old or dying cells. Stem cells can become any kind of cell that your body needs. Think of stem cell regeneration like a cut that heals on its own, that’s our body’s way of regenerating cells.

Because stem cells have a regenerating function, a rising interest in stem cells has begun for the mere fact that without healthy stem cells, our appearance takes a nosedive as we age. Its no surprise that stem cells are vital to the future of anti-aging medicine, but their benefits go much, much deeper. From healthy hearts to beautiful skin, stem cells have the power to thrust us into aging healthy and beautifully.

There are some natural ways to boost stem cell production with the kinds of food we eat. We need to start thinking of food as medicine because our diet plays a huge role in our body’s regeneration cycles. Incorporating these foods into your daily diet is a great start to boost your stem cell growth.

6 Cell Regeneration Foods

  1. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries all help build up the powerful antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD). This is excellent for reducing oxidative stress, a key factor in liver support and the prevention of joint pain. Berries are also rich in flavonoids that reduce inflammation and repair cellular damage.
  2. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable rich in sulforaphane, a chemical that increases enzymes in the liver, which work to neutralize the harmful toxins we breathe. All cruciferous vegetables are packed with a unique molecule called indole-3-carbinol that reduces inflammatory agents in the blood.
  3. Ginger root is known for settling upset stomachs, but it also combats inflammation by inhibiting the effects of arachidonic acid, a necessary fat that triggers the inflammatory response.
  4. Nuts and seeds. These healthy snacks have fats and protein to keep your full longer and satisfy cravings. Nuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid which is a type of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fat. Seeds contain plant sterols, known for their anti-inflammatory properties as well.
  5. Mushrooms like shiitake and maiitake are high in polyphenols. These are nutrients known to help protect liver cells from damage by detoxifying them. Keeping the liver detoxified is critical in fighting inflammation because this is where we filter out toxins and break down our hormones.
  6. Fatty fish and seafood. Seafood contains eicosapentaenoic acid, a powerful anti-inflammatory type of omega-3 fatty acid. Studies show the oil in fish can act in an anti-inflammatory manner.

Its very important to incorporate these foods into your daily diet and to also, “eat the rainbow” of organic fruit and vegetables in order to have complete nutrition and continual cell regeneration. Remember, if we think of food as medicine than we open up ourselves to a world of healing.
